Saturday, March 6, 2010

"Trust in the Lord, and do good..."

Ok. So I haven't posted anything in a while. I guess it's just because I have had so much going on that I haven't felt like posting. The past couple of weeks God has really been pounding me with the struggle of trusting Him and being satisfied with Him. This is such a hard concept for me to grasp. Many people say that the image that your father has in your eyes affects the way you view God. That is so true! When I was little my dad left. He doesn't live with us, and he many times does not really care. There are so many times when this is the way I view God. I view Him as a God who is there, but doesn't care. He doesn't really love me. I know down in my heart that this is not true, but sometimes I get my focus off of the truth and I start focusing on my circumstances and on myself and I lose sight of who God really is. He is a good and loving God. He is in control, and He knows what He is doing. This week has really taught me this, and there is a song that has really been helping me keep my focus:

O God, my Joy, You reign above
In glorious splendor and beauty.
Your Word has drawn my heart to love
The awesome sight of Your glory.
Your blazing light and gospel grace
Shine brightly from my Savior's face.
No other wonder would I see
Than Christ enthroned in His glory.

Sustained by joy in trial and pain,
I trust Your wisdom and mercy.
Through suffering that Your love ordains,
More like Your Son You will make me.
For Christ embraced the cross of shame
Beholding glorious joys to come.
Oh, give me faith like His to see
That suffering lifts me to glory.

Compelled by joy I fight the sin
That turns my gaze from Your glory.
Your Holy Spirit dwells within.
His presence arms me for vic'try.
Let death and hell against me rise.
Through death I'll gain eternal joys.
All powers of hell will bend the knee
Before my great King of Glory!

This song has been such an encouragement to me through the past weeks. Just knowing and coming to grips with the fact that God is working everything out for my good and for His glory; knowing that this is happening in my life to grow me and to change me; knowing that God is making me more like His Son. That has been a great help. I hope this is an encouragement to you guys. I know it has been for me.

"And we know that ALL things work together for GOOD to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." ~ Romans 8:28

~ Stephanie ~
   *Phil. 3:13-14*