Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Wow! Again, it has been a long time since I posted! This time, however, my lack of posting is not due to a lack of time or a busy schedule, but rather just the lack of knowing how to describe everything I am learning and feeling lately!
In the past couple of weeks God has been showing me a lot about my lack of love for Him in comparison to His infinite love for me. I say I love Him, but do I really? How do I show that I love Him? Well, really, the answer to this question is quite simple. If I truly do love Him, I show that love for Him by obeying Him and by loving others (John 14:15). Oh man. This has hit me hard. I do not love others as much as I should. I say that I love other people, but in my actions and responses, I really don't. I show by the way that I act towards people and by the things that I say to people whether or not I truly love them, and most of the time, I betray myself and my true heart. That hurts. I want to love others. I want to be more like Christ and love like He loves, but I definitely do not! I cannot love that way. Not in my own strength and ability, at least. I have to allow Christ to reign in and through me and love others through me. THAT is the ONLY way that I can possibly fulfill the second great commandment to love others as myself. Well, just some thoughts I have been musing and wanted to share! Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!!