About Me

Well, I grew up in a Christian home with only my mom. My mom and I have been close since we were the only ones at home, but just during the last couple of years we have gotten so much closer. Now we are really just like friends. Anyway, I went to church my whole life, and I went to Christian school as well. I lived basically my whole life unsaved until after I graduated. I left home and went to college at Northland International University after graduating in May 2009. It was during my second semester at Northland that I finally realized what the Christian life is all about. It is a life committed to trusting Christ. You have to trust Him to be saved. There is no other way to be saved other than trusting His sacrifice on Calvary as the payment for your sins. Since I received Christ as my Saviour and the love of my life, I have never been more joyful and satisfied. It is sometimes a struggle, especially being a girl, to find my complete satisfaction in Christ, but each day I find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with my great God! If you want to know more about my God or about how you can come to know Him, just write me a message, and I would be more than happy to share with you how you can do just that. Hope my blog is an encouragement to all of you!

~ Stephanie