Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Why is it that some people struggle so much while other people tend to simply go through life and not struggle one little bit? I have had this question on my mind for some time. Any ideas? :)


  1. Hey "roomie!"
    I've thought about this too. But no matter how it appears, everyone has struggles. It's just part of life. But a huge encouragement for believers is the promises that God gives us in His word. Specifically, Hebrews 12; this passage says that it is for discipline that God tests us. He tests us because we are His children, He loves us, & He wants us to be more Christ-like. This passage says that if He did not discipline us, it would mean that we are illegitimate children. God's ultimate purpose in our life is to make us like His Son; sometimes we are just too prideful to get it in any way easier than testing. Love you girly =)

  2. Thanks Leash :-) I love you too <3 Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!!


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